Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Leaps of Faith

Relocation to a new area involves not only moving from one home to another, it also involves finding new service providers such as doctors, dentists, hair stylists, grocers, oh, and of course, your new Realtor®!  This is a process that can sometimes be overwhelming, if you don’t know where to start.  In searching for the best of the best in your new town, I recommend you find these professionals by getting referrals from satisfied clients and customers.  Sometimes, you need to find someone that can step into the middle of a process, and manage it to completion.  For example, orthodontic treatment.

Yesterday, I had to take my son to a local orthodontist because he had a problem that couldn’t wait until we went back to his provider in Georgia for his last appointment.  I called Crescent Moon Orthodontics on Daniel Island, and much to my surprise, they accommodated the “emergency”, getting us in to see my son right away.  Dr. Michael Zetz and his staff welcomed us with smiles, enthusiasm and excitement.  Not only did they welcome us to their office, but to the community, as well.  Among all the obvious care and attention to detail in making office visits a pleasure, (such as a technology station, snacks and beverages, monthly contests for the kids, overall fun décor….I could go on and on…), my son was especially impressed when we arrived and his name was up on the “Welcome” board, along with the other patients that were scheduled to be seen that day.

So how is this relevant to real estate?  Let me explain.  It is a big deal to take your kids to a new medical or dental provider that will make the child feel at ease.  It is a big deal for parents to feel welcome in their new community, when there is so much uncertainty and apprehension that goes along with relocating a family to an unfamiliar area.  It is a big deal to arrive as the new kids on the block, leaving behind friends and colleagues, and in my case, clients, to start fresh from scratch.  But in life, we know to expect that there will always be change.  It is in how we handle the change that determines our degree of success and happiness.

While talking to my son’s new treatment coordinator, Brittany, I was telling her how impressed I was with the office and staff.  She explained that their office had recently been “re-built”, as the result of a fire.  Ironically, I can completely relate, as the office where I worked in Georgia had experienced a fire that required us to relocate several years ago, first to a temporary office space to what eventually became our beautiful new office.  The 12-18 months of displacement were extremely difficult, and quite honestly, the most difficult year of my real estate career.  I am not going to lie and say I didn’t consider giving up and finding something else to do.  It was frustrating and hard to stay focused and determined to succeed.  But I did it.  I re-focused, made some necessary changes, and by the time my family and I relocated to Charleston, I had re-built my business, and it was thriving better than ever.

So now I find myself back in that familiar place of re-building.  By the time I left Georgia, the majority of my business was repeat and referred business from satisfied clients and friends.  This is the best kind of client---one that comes to you based on a recommendation from someone that trusts that you will go above and beyond to take care of their referral.  Starting with a common connection often creates a more relaxed experience for all parties involved.  Peter Drucker stated, “Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision.” It takes courage to take a leap of faith and go where you think you can make a difference and succeed, even if it may not be the EASY choice.  Success is hard work.  It requires time, effort, focus, perseverance, sweat and tears.  It requires determination and a mind-set that you are going to succeed by providing exemplary services that stands out from the rest.

So as a request, I ask that you keep me top of mind and give me a call when you:  1. personally have real estate needs or, 2. know of someone that does.  I can promise you that you the experience will be first-class service that has kept my clients completely satisfied over the last decade!

Lovin' Life in the Lowcountry,


My mission statement:  To live each day to the fullest, with excitement, enthusiasm and a strong desire to build a successful and highly respected real estate business, earned by developing relationships through consistent and predictably high work ethic of always going above and beyond, and always doing so with a creative surprise up my sleeve.
