Friday, February 28, 2014

Rome Wasn't Built in a Day!

Factor Number 14: Stay consistent, focused and don't give up.

When I started this blog series, it was the result of several hours of preparation for the first sales meeting of the year.  My broker asked all the agents to review individual productivity, determine sources of business and create our own business plan for the year.  This was an excellent exercise to review what worked and what didn't in order to determine upcoming activities.

I started out by looking at where each client came from, then dissected this list a little further by reviewing it alongside my 2013 business plan.  Were there specific activities I did that triggered a transaction?  For example, did I meet the client at an Open House?  How many Open Houses did I do last year?  How did I advertise the event?  Was my listing sold to an agent that attended one of my Agent Open Houses?  Was the initial contact made from someone that had seen one of my posts on social media?  And just as important as what worked:  What activities produced NO results or return on investment after an appropriate amount of time?

When I sorted through my 2013 list of closings, I realized the positive results were due not to just one thing, but an assortment of activities that I had completed, consistently, over time. I must admit, there were times I thought, "Is this Open House really worth my time?  After all, lots of people say Open Houses don't sell houses."  But when you get a phone call from someone that attended one of your events (in my case, an Open House), and they are ready to buy, then you have your answer!  One of the first Open Houses I ever did as a new Realtor produced 9 transactions over the next 8 years.  So yes, I am of the firm belief that Open Houses DO work!  This is why I put them as a priority on my business plan.

It is important to realize that it may take a while to see the results of a new activity, but keep doing what you think will work, and then evaluate the effectiveness next year!  It is also important to create a plan, ON PAPER, that you can use as a guide for the year.  I realize not everyone is as Type A as I am-----I have lists to make lists....But I can't stress how important it is to write your goals down to help you stay focused.  Start with the end in mind, and work your way back.  I have my yearly goals, then I have broken them down into monthly, weekly and daily "Ta Da" lists.  (And these lists are the outlines for regular, and/or spontaneous, meetings with my assistant.)  And for the agent in my office that asked me how I manage to get so much done every week?  That's my answer:  "Ta Da" lists that are focused, attainable and that produce results.

Growing a successful business is hard work, no matter what industry! Rome wasn't built in a day, and I am sure it wasn't easy.  But I would say it started a vision, a plan and a team of hard workers that eventually made it happen with focus, drive and determination.

So what's on your "Ta Da" list for today?

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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Butcher, The Baker, The Candlestick Maker

Factor Number 13:  Follow the Successful!
Whatever industry you are in, there are those that are more successful than others.  Ralph Waldo Emerson suggested, “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”  Those successful folks you are looking for are those that were willing to go where no one else has been to stand out in their field.  Your job is to find these successful leaders, follow them and study their journey!  (This is especially helpful if you are new to your industry.  We all have to learn the basics before we can take it to the next level!)  But keep in mind, it really doesn’t matter if you are a butcher, a baker or a candlestick maker….Every industry has leaders that rise to the top. Once you master the basics, your goal is to become one of these leaders and to leave your own trail!
With unlimited industry info at our fingertips on the internet, you have a goldmine at your fingertips!  Do you already know who the industry leaders are in your field?  Google them!  What are their habits?  Have they written any books?  Do they have a website and/or blog you can follow?  Do they teach industry-related courses you can attend? 
Once you find these industry leaders, follow their lead/examples and learn along the way.  Read their material. Attend their classes. Interview them.  Ask them to be your mentor!  And by the way, these folks don’t have to necessarily live in your area or be in your specific industry, either.  For example:  Why would a restaurant owner want to attend a class in computer technology?  Why would your veterinarian want to attend a seminar on elderly care?  Why would an athletic coach want to attend a class on psychology?   
Please note: I am not suggesting you “COPY” these leaders, by any means.  I am suggesting you learn from them, and then apply what is relevant to your business by developing and personalizing the information to your specific business, with their permission, when necessary.   By looking for ways to build your personal career, branch out by “thinking outside the box.”  Are you still sitting in the same, comfortable box you have always sat in or are you trying a new chair?  As far out as an idea may seem, you just never know if it is going to work if you never give it a try!  If it doesn’t work, either tweak it and try it again or try something else.  Just be sure you give “it” a try!
“Don’t let the fear of striking out hold you back.”  -Babe Ruth
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Monday, February 24, 2014

Help Wanted!

Factor Number 12:  Delegate!

One thing I heard over and over again when I first got into real estate was to hire an assistant.  I was told that my business would take off when I did so.  What I found out was that these seasoned agents knew what they were talking about!

Whether it be hiring team members to help with your business, or hiring help at home, such as a housekeeper....Hire people you can count on to do the things that don't require a license (or your expertise), to free up your time for those productive, income-producing activities that only you can do.

My initial fear was that I would have someone depending on me to pay their salary.  And as the real estate market had been in such a state of despair, how could I afford to pay for another employee when I sometimes worried about my own income and expenses?!?!

My solution was to start with a part-time assistant.  She was only looking for a few hours a week, wanted to work flexible hours and for the most part, work from home.  This was exactly what I needed, as this was an affordable way to ease into having another expense!  Our intention was to increase her hours as we grew.  What I found was that what I had heard so many times was true:  My business really took off when I hired help!  I had already hired a housekeeper to take care of tasks that I often didn't have time to get around to at home, but hiring an assistant for my work-related tasks took my business to the next level.  Among the many perks I found in hiring my assistant, not only did I have someone helping me get things done, but I had someone to bounce ideas with and keep me accountable.  I consider myself a hard worker, but my assistant keeps me focused on getting everything on our "Ta Da" list done....every day, on time.  No excuses.  We have regular meetings to discuss our goals for the year, month, week and day, and we know what needs to be accomplished and keep each other accountable to the tasks.

So take the plunge:  Hire help!  You can't be all everybody...all the time.  If you try to do it all, you will get burned out, and not be nearly as effective at anything you do.

Note:  If you are just joining in on this series of blogs, I invite you to go to: to see the entire series.

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Friday, February 21, 2014

Double, Double, Toil and Trouble!

Factor Number 11: Pull what you love to do into your business.

Think back to when you were in school.  What were your favorite classes?  Which classes did you make the best grades? Were these "easy" classes or subjects that you would consider as challenging to you?   There is a pretty high likelihood that, even if it was a really hard class, you probably succeeded the most in the classes that had the best teachers. And by "the best teachers", I mean, the teachers that you loved and with whom you really had a connection.  And why did you love them?  Because these teachers made the classes fun. They were passionate about their work, and their presentation of the material reflected this love of their calling. (AKA: job.)  The teacher loved what they were teaching, and their passion and excitement was contagious, making students want "some of that"!

I had several teachers like that.  The subject may have been a challenge, but the way it was presented made learning fun. I had several English teachers in high school that were amazing.  They actually made reading about Shakespeare’s cauldron of toils and troubles and Hester Prynne's secret scandal, pretty darn cool.  How many of you had an English teacher that wore a red letter "A" on her sweater the day Hawthorne was introduced to the class?!?!?  Let me just say that was more than 30 years ago, and I still remember it like it was last week.   My teacher was just doing her "job", but she did it in a fun way that was memorable.

So how can you make what you do fun and memorable?  One way is to incorporate what you love, or a favorite hobby, into your business.  When you love what you are doing, it shows and will make you better in your profession.  Anyone that knows me, knows that I love to cook, entertain and decorate and being a Realtor allows me so much opportunity to incorporate all these things into my career!  Residential real estate is the perfect career to share all those things I love!  I can host Agent Opens and Open Houses, and prepare and provide the food and decor myself!  I can help sellers stage their homes.  I can get creative with marketing by pulling in some practical, seasonal and/or fun ideas to feature the benefits of their homes.  And the sky is the limit when it comes to closing and house warming gifts when you use your talents and creativity!

So take some time to figure out how to use the talents and gifts you were blessed with, and put them to work.  Then watch what this does for your business!

Passion generates energy and energy generates activity!


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Monday, February 17, 2014

We’ve Only Just Begun!

Factor Number 10:  Stay in Touch!

This is one of the easiest things to do, yet one of the most often neglected business practices.  To begin with, you should have an accurate, up-to-date database.  But are you using it?  Your database is an excellent reference tool for staying in touch with your customers and clients on a regular basis.  Contacting folks in your database can either be with a face-to-face visit, delivering a small gift, sending something in the mail, an email, a phone call, or whatever you think would be most appreciated.  I contact my folks in various, client-specific ways, depending on what I know about them: their interests, their families, their jobs, their plans, etc.  But whatever you do, make sure you do it at least four times a year, per person! 
I was on the receiving end the other day, when I got an email from a contact that has been in my database for years.  Knowing that I am a baseball mom, and that my son’s baseball games will soon be starting, she sent me an email with a picture of some really cute baseball flip-flops.  Her message said:  “Every time I see these, I think of you!”  Well, I can tell you, that made my day!  Knowing that something reminded her of me, and she took the time to share it with me, really made me feel good!

Relationships with customers and clients shouldn’t end when the ink dries on the paperwork. Remember the words of The Carpenters?  “We’ve only just begun!”

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Friday, February 14, 2014

iPods and iPads and iPhones, Oh My!

Factor Number 9:  Keep constant internet presence, but make it count.

The internet is a jackpot of information for those who are in search of answers.  It is the first place people go to research anything:  houses, community info, homework assignments, how-to and DIY projects, vacation destinations, product comparisons, school info, professional service providers,  identifying the unknown......the list obviously goes on and on!  The internet is critically important to any business, but you have to learn how to use it, and to use it wisely.  And of course, you don't have to be sitting at your desk in front of a computer to access the internet.  I don't know of many people that don't have an iPhone, an iPad or a laptop, but the devices you use should coordinate and work with each other in order to make your technology use timely, smooth and efficient.

Interenet presence can be through your company website, your personal business website, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc.  If you are unfamiliar with media and technology, I would recommend you take some classes to get up-to-date.  Technology is here to stay, and it is developing and changing at a rapid pace, so you need to stay current and in-the-know.  By this I mean, taking one class doesn't make you techno-savvy for life----you will need updates and refresher courses over the years.

Social media is just one form of internet information distribution that can be a great resource for potential customers and clients.  I have found some excellent resources on Facebook that help me to improve, expand and simplify my business.  However, in going through Facebook posts looking for relevant information, you sometimes have to weed through a lot of irrelevance to find the posts that can be helpful or of value to you and/or your needs.  Social media can provide a wealth of information, serve as a marketing platform for your industry, provide a forum to easily share and network with friends, family and other professionals, but it can sometimes be a challenge to find the great info that is embedded in the feed.  Make your content interesting and your business easy to access.

Make your posts count!

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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Valentine's Day Ideas!

Need some ideas for your Valentine this year? Well I have some ideas that just might hit the spot! 

Head over to your local craft store to get heart shaped
confetti, red or pink candles, and flowers to
decorate your table! 
If you are opting to stay home for Valentine’s Day, here is a delicious menu that is can be prepared in 30-45 minutes! Make things easier by using a packaged Hollandaise (I like Knorr's) and desserts from your grocer’s bakery!

Love Me Tenderloin with Red Wine Sauce!

Whipped Potatoes
Steamed Asparagus with Hollandaise
Recommended wine pairing:  Either a Red Bordeaux or Cabernet (Louis Martini is my favorite!)

Petit Fours and Mini Chocolate Éclairs, or Hand-Dipped Chocolate Strawberries
Champagne or Sparkling Wine

Beef Tenderloin with Shitake-Red Wine Sauce-Serves 4
4 (4 oz.) beef tenderloin steaks (about 1 1/2 inches thick), trimmed
1/2 teaspoon salt, divided
1/2 teaspoon pepper, divided
1 teaspoon canola oil
1/4 cup minced shallots
2 garlic cloves, minced
3 1/4 cups thinly sliced shiitake mushroom caps (7 oz.)
1/2 cup dry red wine or beef broth
1 cup beef broth, divided
1 sprig fresh rosemary
1 tablespoon cornstarch
2 tablespoons chopped, fresh parsley

Sprinkle steaks evenly with 1/4 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon pepper.  Heat oil in large non-stick skillet over medium-high heat. Add steaks; cook 3-4 minutes per side, or until desired degree of doneness. Remove steaks and keep warm. Reduce heat to medium; add shallots, garlic and mushrooms. Sauté 2 minutes. Add wine, 1/2 cup beef broth, rosemary and remaining salt and pepper. Increase heat to medium-high, and cook 7 minutes, stirring occasionally and scraping pan to lose browned bits. Combine cornstarch and remaining 1/2 cup beef broth in a small bowl, stirring with a whisk. Add cornstarch mixture to pan; bring to a boil. Cook 1 minute, stirring constantly. Return steaks to pan, and cook 1 minute until thoroughly heated. Remove and discard rosemary. Garnish with fresh parsley

If you do plan on staying at the house for this special day, the age old question arises…what will I do with the kiddos? You can be assured Valentine’s Day is a hard time to find a sitter, so I’ve found a cute, super easy craft that will keep your kids busy during your special time!

Each year kids are always asked to bring Valentines for parties at school and this can help make them more personable! Who wants to see the same 'ol same when getting a Valentine? Show your little ones how to make their own monster valentines and get creative!

Head on over to to see your step by step instructions on how to make these little creatures! 

If cooking not your expertise, you may want to go out for the night! I sought out the two best places here locally that have Valentine’s Day specials!

How about The Perfect Pear located Perry? For Valentine’s Day they will be serving several of their fabulous dinner plates as well as some new items including desserts for two!  Seating starts at 5:30pm 2/14 so you better call and get your reservation! (478) 224-7327.
Or you could treat your special someone to some authentic Italian food from Marco Ristorante Italiano in Warner Robins. For just $65 you can get their Valentine’s Day special that includes a 3 course meal and dessert! Add $25 and they will pair each course with a glass of wine! Call for reservations at (478) 330-7070.

Whether your staying at home with your loved ones, going out for a night on the town, or are single and ready to mingle, show yourself and others a little love this February 14th!

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Friday, February 7, 2014

Hit the Road, Jack!

Factor Number 8:  Get Out of There!

Get out of the office and get busy networking!  Every person you encounter throughout the day could be a potential client or know someone that could use your product or send your way.  Before you get started, though....Before you leave your house in the morning....Before you leave your office.....What do you need to have, either in your pocket, briefcase, purse or car?  BUSINESS CARDS!!!!!  DON'T leave home without these priceless pieces of art!

So, starting closest to "home", network with others in your industry.  This gives you an opportunity to talk about your product, which might work for one of their current clients.  (In the real estate industry, for example, we have Agent Open Houses to showcase our listings to agents from other firms.  If an agent has attended one of your events, your property will be top-of-mind for them should they have a suitable buyer. You want to market your product to someone that works with buyers.)

Networking is something you must do EVERY DAY, EVERY WHERE! It is just one way to "prospect". So where else can you network?

Attend social and community events.  It doesn't matter if they are business or personal.....just GO!  Dinner invitation?  RSVP with an enthusiastic: "YES"!  Ball game going on this weekend?  Grab a t-shirt with appropriate team colors and stick a stack of biz cards in with the sunscreen and sunflower seeds!  Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours or Speed Networking event?  These are no-brainers.....Networking is what these are MADE for!  GO!!!!  And make sure you have that magic stack of cards.  Non-profit event?  Maybe a 5k Mud-run? Put your cards in a plastic zip-top bag.  You never know when the conversation might turn to something related to your business when your hosing off the mud.

And how about running errands and waiting on the kids?  I have discussed my business at the salon with a guest in the next chair when she was talking to her stylist about a friend that was moving to the area.  Heck, we both had our heads covered in foils, roots getting processed, and nothing but a timer between us and a glam new "do".   So, we were definitely comfortable with each other from the start!  And how many hours of athletic, dance or music lessons and practice have you sat through?  When I am not working my business on my iPad while waiting, I have plenty of opportunity to ask a lot of questions of the other parents experiencing the same wait!  One of the moms I met through my son's baseball team last year is now a part of my creative "team", making holiday decorations for my December listings!

So how is anyone going to get to know who you are if you never go anywhere and/or you never tell them what you do?  Social events, community events, business meetings, running errands....... Always keep your business cards on hand to give out no matter where you go!

And of course there is always the "accidental" card drop......."Ma'am, I think you dropped something.  Here you go....Oh, you are a realtor?  My wife and I were just talking the other day......."

Now go grab a stack of those miracle marketers and hit the road, Jack!

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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Shake, Rattle and Roll!

Factor Number 7:  Getting back to basics.

In every industry, we have some basic "go-to" methods of generating business that we can always rely on, but who likes to stick to the basics?  Well, why not take the basics that work, keep them in your business plan, but shake them up a bit?  In my business, real estate Open Houses are a basic activity of the trade that have been around for YEARS!  If you ask agents whether they work or not, you will get the same answer:  Maybe, maybe not.  So why do them?

Because they get your product exposed.  They get YOU exposed.  They allow opportunity to meet new people.  They make your clients happy that you are promoting their property. And let's face it----they sometimes work.  I can track a lot of closings to an Open House as the initial point of contact.  And as an added benefit, I can say that I have met some amazing people at these events that are now very close friends that started out as clients!

But as a basic activity of your business plan, do you just slap an ad in the Sunday paper and stick a directional sign in the yard with a few balloons and grab a book to read while you are there?  Why not take the time to prepare for the event, and make it worth attending?  Give some serious thought to what you can do to advertise it better and make it an event your customers won't want to miss!  I personally like to celebrate as the host of a fun, Sunday afternoon Open House Party with balloons, refreshments and music!

So what are some basics of your industry, and how can you shake it up and make it rock?!?

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Monday, February 3, 2014

"Put Your Dollars Where It Makes More Cents"

Factor Number 6:   Where is your business coming from?

Return on investment (ROI) is a big deal when you are looking at budgets and how you allocate your marketing dollars.  Keep track throughout the year to determine where your business comes from , then do more of what is bringing you business, and quit doing what isn't!  Determine your budget for marketing, plug the funds into income-producing mediums and activities, and stick to your budget.  I receive hundreds of telemarketing calls each year, soliciting this marketing service and that marketing service that is "not like all those others". If it sounds to good to be true, it is.  Being self-employed is not for the lazy:  You have to do the work, and you have to do a lot of it!  Marketing takes a lot of time and effort, and if someone tells you they are going to get you exposed to millions of potential clients and send you more leads than you can handle, good luck with that.  After falling for a couple of these sales pitches, and having no viable leads,  I will tell you:  Do your homework.  Research these companies.  Go online as a consumer and see how easy they are to find. Then go back to your marketing plan, and plug in some better ideas that will generate more legitimate business!

Most of my business is repeat and referred business.  There is a huge compliment you can read into that:  My clients are happy with me and want to share their experience with others.  Now in my industry, most people don't buy houses often.  BUT,  they may know someone that is in the market for real estate.  By keeping in close contact with my clients, I stay top of mind!    The closing of the transaction doesn't end our relationship when we leave the table.  It is just the next PHASE of our relationship:  Their "Realtor for Life"!  There are so many ways you can stay in touch with your clients!  This is one of the things I enjoy the most about my career---Surprising my past clients with the unexpected!  Years and years ago, I bought a car from a successful, well-known car dealership.  After a week or so, I received a package in the mail that looked like a gift.  The dealership had sent a tin of designer cookies as a "Thank You" for our business.  A small gesture, but obviously, it left a lasting impression----This transaction was almost 20 years ago!

So get in touch with your creative side and have some fun!

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